воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

cmkm diamond

�I have thought it over may times before. If I love someone I want to do it unconditionally. Then I had an epiphany while writing a poem, that wedding vows bind you to a conditional love. apos;Until Death Do Us Partapos;. True, unconditional love is having a love that carries on even after theyapos;re dead. A love that surpasses death, no not surpasses but overcomes. So, I then think to myself "Maybe wedding vows should say for all eternity". After all, even saying until the end of time is conditional. Then I think "No, there is no end to time, time is infinite, it keeps going. Even if there is an apocalypse, time still keeps going." So, then I realized you could say eternity or until the end of time.

Iapos;m sorry if this doesnapos;t make sense to you guys and it seems like sense babbling, but itapos;s something that has crossed my mind. Actually, falling in love, marriage and the whole Sha-Bam have crossed my mind a lot lately. Stupid Moulin Rouge I love that movie TOO MUCH. �Maybe I need somewhere new, somewhere far away to go, in order to find that special person. Maybe, I need to let go of these attachments and just go. Not into the sunset, but into the sunrise. But what if I go that way and it still escapes me. What if nothing is meant to be. What if?

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body shiatsu

Iapos;ve been remiss. Brighton, Edinburgh, Oxford, and three weeks all flown. There is a striking uniformity about London and the other UK cities; clearly they are different from one another, yet in all of them you find the rows of townhouses, the small shops, the hidden street signs. I suppose we have our uniformities as well (Wal-Mart springs to mind). I just got back from Oxford and remembered this thing as I was falling asleep. Itapos;s something I really should be keeping up with, but like so many other well-meaning endeavors of mine it tends to fall through the cracks of day-to-day experience.

I am still at a loss concerning what this experience needs to accomplish for me, and how it will do so. There are so many things in my life and my character that need nailing down and shoring up, and Iapos;m trying to find a way to do that. Iapos;m not entirely sure that train rides and old buildings are what I need. I guess the factors involved are not external ones. There is a deep-seeted melancholy in me that may bear rooting out.

The city of dreaming spires, in Arnoldapos;s phrase, was beautiful in its way. It was my first solo trip, and carried all the liberation and occasional boredom that entails. I have decided that I am uncommonly adept at getting myself lost-- not so much a particular event as a sort of constant state of being-- and wandering into the quiet and wondrous places I would have wanted to go anyway. Somehow my aimless journeys have always ended up precisely where I wanted them to in the first place, and stumbling across places brings a different satisfaction than purposefully seeking them out.

I ate and drank in the Inklingsapos; pub.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

cat nose problems

Composing todayapos;s to-do list has been an exercise in self-realization. Not a particularly pleasant one, but as noted previously and even better articulated to me recently, I am not a particularly pleasant woman.

Here it is Saturday, and I must:

*note that passive aggressive blogging is unnecessary at best: I am married to someone who is either far more or far less nuanced than I am, and he simply went and talked to the potential landlord in question with the concerns of the day. No Schadenfreude pie in my future, perhaps, but there will be other occassions.

I am patient, after all.

*Do client billing

*Muster my household into some level of cleanliness for the maternal visit

*Call my woodman to see if heapos;ll be coming by today with the promised wood

*Rue the fact that my chronic need to self-flagellate always goes in such a predictable fashion

*Attempt to discover a way to communicate an essential lack of faith, period. Not faith in the divine, per se, as much as the ability to believe at all. There is nothing as difficult to articulate as an absence of something others take for granted.

Maslow, I think, forever fouled my intellect. And whatever lies beyond intellect: those core motivations, those essential drives that make us who were are.

People have such faith: in other people, in systems, in concepts, in facts. But it is all essentially transient. This will all pass: the wisdom of this day is the foolishness of anotherapos;s. And knowing that, why bother?

Perhaps I misspoke. Perhaps I have faith in abundance. But it is not a bright faith, nor a joyous faith, or a faith that inspires men to move mountains or journey to the mountains that refuse to move themselves.

It is, perhaps, the faith of immediacy and expediency. A selfish creed, a vicious creed, a spiritual acknowledgement that not only in entropy inevitable, it is imminent. That it is only this moment that matters, for there is never a guarantee that there will be another one.

Of course, I am not sure of that, as I am never sure of anything. Perhaps I have faith in questions, in the thought that there is an answer somewhere.


So quite a to do list. I think Iapos;ll start with the billing. That, at least, has a chance of being manageable.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

batterfly effect

Ok, so for my next piano piece I was hoping to do another Debussy piece. So far I have done Clair de Lune, La Cathedral Engloutie, and Voiles. Next I would like to do either Reverie, Passepied, or Lapos;isle Joyeuse. Of these three pieces, how would you rank them by difficulty, and also with respect to the three I have already learned? In particular Iapos;d like to know about Lapos;isle Joyeuse because I think itapos;s probably more difficult, but Iapos;d like to know if I can handle it. Thanks

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Hmm well today went really nice, didnapos;t get to do one of my long workouts like i have been doing all week, which sucks, cause i felt really chubby all day, but i got a little bit of walking in. Had 2 salads, a little bit of yogurt, 2 cups of tea, like 4 cups of coffee and a few nuts. So probably like 200 calories again. I am so glad tomorrow is Saturday and i donapos;t have to get up at 6 am. I am probably going to edit my page and put up a couple pictures. If anyone feels like chatting, feel free to message me :)
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dress form working

It was only recently when I saw that there was quite the following of World of Warcraft players on Livejournal, and that is not something I expected. But it inspired me to start writing about my own little experiences in WoW, and possible gain some friends from doing this�My display picture is of my level one Draenei hunter, Xanrithe. I recently had a level forty-two on a different server, but the server is having far too many problems for my comfort... So�I�am moving on. Unfortunately I�cannot afford a realm transfer, thus I�am starting over. But it is not a bad thing, new server... New beginning. I like the idea.�

I hope you enjoy watching my journey.. And just my random rants, perhaps. But my display will change as Ievel and gain more gear, enjoy it�I look forward to meeting many different people who play WoW.�Do not hesitate to leave comments�
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bent over dumbell laterals

The American Heart Association has announced that the Bee Gees Stayinapos; Alive can actually save someoneapos;s life.�

They say that the song, which is performed at 103-beats-per-minute, is almost exactly the rate that you should keep if you are doing CPR chest compressions.� They even have been using it in training classes and then testing the students weeks later to see if they are using the correct pace.� Many said they played the song over in their head while performing the procedure.
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